Reviewing and resetting the strategy

Homely Retreats had reached a level of maturation, and their strategy was no longer suitable. They were seeking to review their strategy to help focus their efforts moving forward.

What we did:

We worked with Homely Retreats to understand and document their current context and goals. As a NFP funding was tight, so they employed our coached strategy approach, to apply our framework to their new strategy development.

  • Pre-work: Homely Retreats were sent guidance on information to collate, to inform context setting

  • We then had a 1-hour coaching session with the CEO to review key internal insights, unpack external insights and to identify gaps that they then sought out after the session

  • A second 1-hour coaching session was undertaken to help synthesise the context and challenges and identify the potential solutions. And we problem-solved how to reach agreement on priorities within a Board setting.

The result:

A broad strategic plan and clear priorities that defined where the organisation would focus its efforts in the short-term and guide its efforts in the medium-long term.  There were also a set of concrete actions that the team could get to work on immediately. Three months on, the CEO reported increased strategic clarity and a series of measurable achievements related to their action plan in areas of governance, operations and fundraising.

Thank you Simple Nimble! After our coaching session, I enjoyed working through your strategy framework – it really helped refine our direction…and revealed we were trying to do too much.
— Homely Retreats

Improving strategic performance